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The Cost Account Allocation Grid appears at the bottom of the following pages:
This grid shows the allocations of money to cost accounts. The columns on the grid describe different types of cost account allocations.
Note: The Cost Account Allocation Grid is available only if BCM integration has been enabled for the document or workspace. For more information, see "Enabling/Disabling BCM in Proliance".
The Cost Account Allocation Grid displays information for the selected parent line item in the upper grid on the page. Each parent line item can control one or more entries in the Cost Account Allocation Grid, but an allocation entry can only belong to one parent line item. For more information, see "About Controlling Documents".
For cost events, the Cost Account Allocation Grid automatically displays expense or revenue allocations, depending on the type of the selected line item. If the line item is of type 'Both', Proliance will synchronize the expense and revenue (budget) allocations.
Exception: Proliance will not synchronize in instances where the total amounts are the same AND one or more of these attributes differ: pivot type, quantity, or unit price.
For invoices, Proliance automatically prorates the invoicing details for each cost account allocation entry, based on the amount of parent line item that is invoiced.
Note: Proliance only prorates the quantities and amounts. To view invoicing details, see "Line Item Detail Viewer - Invoicing Tab".
The following is a description of the columns in the Cost Account Allocation Grid. Note that the document needs to be in edit mode before you can modify any of the columns.
Cost Account Allocation Grid columns
In addition, the Cost Account Allocation Grids on expense pre-commit contracts, change orders and auto-commit invoices also display additional columns for drawdown information:
The following table summarizes the actions available for the Cost Account Allocation Grid. Note that these actions are available only when the document is in edit mode.
From the Cost Account Allocation Grid, you can… | |
Add a new allocation for the selected line item in the upper grid. |
Delete the selected allocation. |
Copy the selected allocation information. |
Paste the selected allocation information into a new row at the bottom of the grid. |
Recalculate the values on the Financial Summary page to reflect recent updates to the allocations. |
Rebalance |