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The Anticipated Cost Report (ACR) contains columns that represent the various categorizations of budget, cost, billings, and invoice information available within Proliance.
Every allocation in the Budget/Cost Management module is associated with an ACR column. You can configure Proliance to automatically update the appropriate ACR column as a controlling document moves through its respective workflow states. For more information, see "Specifying Default ACR Columns". Users with the appropriate security permissions can change the ACR columns as necessary to ensure that budget/cost information is properly categorized for the workspace.
Every allocation must belong to an ACR column applicable to the controlling document. For example, allocations for an expense change order need to belong to one of the Cost ACR columns described below.
To view all of the information in the ACR columns, view the Anticipated Cost Report for your workspace. To view the information in the ACR columns related to a particular cost account, refer to the Financial Summary page for that cost account.
You can assign budget allocations to any of the following ACR columns. These budget columns can also be displayed on the Anticipated Cost Report (ACR):
Proceed Budget: The budget amount that is not final, even though the work that it applies to has already begun. This amount typically corresponds to Scheduled Amt values from line items on Pending contracts or change orders, or other Pending budget sources.
Pending Changes: Pending or unapproved change amounts, typically from Pending revenue change orders.
Pending Original: The original budget amount for a cost account. This amount typically corresponds to a portion of the Scheduled Amt values from your Pending revenue contracts.
Pending Transfers: The total of proposed but unapproved transfers to or from a cost account.
The following budget ACR columns summarize information from the other columns. You do not assign allocations to these columns, but they can be displayed on the Anticipated Cost Report:
The total current budget, calculated as the sum of the following columns:
Approved Original Budget
Approved Changes Budget
Approved Transfers
Proceed Budget
Clicking a Current Budget value displays the allocations from all the ACR columns shown above.
The total pending budget, calculated as the sum of the following columns:
Pending Original Budget
Pending Changes
Pending Transfers
Clicking a Pending Budget value displays the allocations from all the ACR columns shown above.
The total projected budget, calculated as the sum of the following columns:
Current Budget
Pending Budget
Clicking a Projected Budget value displays all the allocations from the following ACR columns:
Approved Original Budget
Approved Changes Budget
Approved Transfers
Proceed Budget
Pending Original Budget
Pending Changes
Pending Transfers
You can assign cost allocations to any of the following ACR columns. These columns can also be displayed on the Anticipated Cost Report (ACR):
Approved Changes Cost: Approved change amounts, typically from Approved expense change orders.
Assigned Reserves: Money set aside for identified but not certain contingencies.
Certified Invoiced: Money from expense invoices in the following states: Approved or Released for Payment. This column applies only to invoices.
Estimated Costs: An early estimate of the cost of the work that the cost account is paying for. This information typically comes from quotes linked to cost events, where the quote has not yet entered the Reviewed state.
Internal Adjustments: Cost adjustments that the workspace management team has identified as necessary and appropriate.
Original Costs: Work for the workspace that has been purchased or agreed to in contracts. This amount typically corresponds to a portion of the Scheduled Amt values from your Pending expense contracts. The Original Costs is also known as "Bought Original Scope" or "Orders Placed".
Orders to Place: The estimated amount of work waiting to be bought for the cost account.
Proceed Costs: This amount corresponds to the total of contract and change order line items that have been authorized to proceed, but not yet approved.
Pending Costs: Commitments from unapproved expense contracts, change orders, and auto-commit invoices.
Pending Invoiced: Money from expense invoices that are not yet in the following states: Approved or Released for Payment. This column applies only to invoices.
Setoff Orders: Work performed under one expense contract, but charged to another expense contract.
Unassigned Reserves: Money set aside for unanticipated costs.
The following cost ACR columns summarize information from the other columns. You do not assign allocations to these columns, but they can be displayed on the Anticipated Cost Report:
The total current commitments, calculated as the sum of the following columns:
Original Costs
Approved Changes Cost
Proceed Costs
Setoff Orders
Clicking a Current Commitment value displays the allocations from all the ACR columns shown above.
The estimated amount at completion, calculated as the sum of the following columns:
Current Commitments
Estimate to Complete (ETC)
Clicking an Estimate at Completion (EAC) value displays the allocations from the following ACR columns:
Original Costs
Approved Changes Cost
Proceed Costs
Setoff Orders
Pending Costs
Estimated Costs
Orders to Place
Assigned Reserves
Unassigned Reserves
The estimated amount required to complete, calculated as the sum of the following columns:
Pending Costs
Estimated Costs
Orders to Place
Assigned Reserves
Unassigned Reserves
Clicking an Estimate to Complete (ETC) value displays the allocations from all the ACR columns shown above.
Internal+Estimate at Completion:
This is the EAC with internal adjustments, calculated as the sum of the following columns:
Estimate at Completion
Internal Adjustments.
Clicking an Internal+Estimate at Completion value displays all the allocations from the following ACR columns:
Original Costs
Approved Changes Cost
Proceed Costs
Setoff Orders
Pending Costs
Estimated Costs
Orders to Place
Assigned Reserves
Unassigned Reserves
Internal Adjustments
Retainage Invoiced: The value of the retainage from invoices against a line item. Proliance obtains this information from the This Invoice Retainage Total Amt column for an invoice line item.
The total invoiced amount, calculated as the sum of the following columns:
Pending Invoiced
Certified Invoiced
Clicking a Sum of Invoiced value displays the allocations from all the ACR columns shown above.