About Calendars

The calendar document lets you define normal working hours for people within the organization or workspace. On the calendar, you can set exceptions for people who are on vacation, in training, away ill, etc. This lets fellow team members see at a glance who is available.

You can create customized calendars for each organization, workspace, or even resource. Calendars at the organization level can be used to create any number of workspace calendars. Changes to the organization calendar automatically flow through to linked workspace calendars. Changes made to a workspace calendar do not affect the organization calendar.

When you create tasks using the workspace Gantt charts, you can assign a specific task calendar for each task. The task calendar drop-down list is automatically populated with all the calendars created under Administration.

Calendars work with schedules in Proliance. This allows someone creating a schedule to see who is available at a particular moment. The calendar prevents a person from being scheduled when he or she is out of the office.

Information about a calendar document is organized over the following pages:

Additional calendar document information is available on the following tabs: