About Staff Members

The information about your organization's staff members is stored in staff documents. Staff documents are important both inside and outside your organization. Inside your organization, you select staff documents when assigning staff members to an organization company, business unit, or workspace. Outside your organization, other Proliance installations use a portion of the information from your staff documents as the basis for their own contact documents.

Each staff document contains detailed information about a person who works for your organization. Information in a staff document is organized over the following pages:

Additional staff information is also available on the following tabs:

Scope of Staff Documents in Proliance

You can use staff members in any workspace However, a staff member will not appear in another work area—even a workspace involving your organization—unless you explicitly add the staff member to the workspace.


  • A Proliance document also contains information about itself, such as who created the document, and which workspace the document was created in. For more information, see "Common Document Information".