About Line Items

Many Proliance documents contain a list of line items on the Schedule of Values page or the Line Items page. You can use these lists to work with line items associated with a document. For example, you can work with individual contract line items on the Schedule of Values page of a contract document to add, modify and delete items included in the contract.

Line item lists provide features that enable you to enter information more easily, and also allow you customize how you can view the information. For example, when working with line item lists you can:

For a description of the columns and the actions available for each line item, see their corresponding documents:

For documents that contain large numbers of line items, lists may include additional functionality for paging and searching. The following documents provide features for handling long lists of items, including advanced paging and search controls:

Some documents use a hierarchical list of line items that shows how parent items are related to one or more child items. For example, Revenue Contract and Expense Contract documents use a hierarchical list on their Schedule of Values pages. For more information, see "Hierarchical Lists".

Line Items and Projectss

When projects are enabled in Proliance, you can link a line item cost account allocation to a project.