About Standard Plans

A Standard Plan defines how a plan works once it is applied to a workspace, the required and optional stages in the overall plan, and the forms that are required or optional in each stage.

  • The plans created from a standard plan are only a starting point. You can customize the plans to make them precisely meet the needs of a workspace.

    Standard plans can only be created from the Organization work area. Once these standard plans are created, you can share them with workspaces by exporting or importing a standard group. The shared copies are independent of each other—modifications to one do not affect the other.

    A standard plan's information is organized on the following pages:

    Additional standard plan information is also available on the following tabs:


    • You can only create standard plans from the Organization work area. Synchronized copies of these plans are shared with workspaces when you export or import a standard group. Once a workspace receives its synchronized copy, users in that workspace can modify the standard plan. However, their modifications will be lost if a synchronization update is sent from the Organization work area. Updates made within the workspace will not affect the original version in the Organization work area.