About Catalog Cards

A catalog card represents an externally-created file in Proliance, such as a CAD file. It can also represent physical objects, such as lighting or carpet samples that need to be cataloged and referenced in workspaces.

Catalog cards are managed in the Catalog Cards register within folders. Catalog cards can be confidential or non-confidential. When a catalog card is marked as confidential, it does not get shared with all users in the creator’s company, but rather can be accessed only by the catalog card creator or any other user with Read All Instances permission. Similarly, when doing a workflow or forward operation, the document is made accessible only to the user explicitly addressed in this operation rather than all users in the addressed user’s company.

Catalog cards can have one or more revisions. When you update a card, you can either update the existing revision or you can create a new revision and update it instead. For more information about revisions, see "About the Revisions Tab".


  • The confidentiality of Catalog Card documents is retained when copying data from a reference workspace or creating a new document using "Copy to New".

Information in a catalog card document is organized across the following pages:

Additional catalog card information is also available on the following tabs: