About Deficiencies

Using the Deficiency document, you can track information about items in your workspace that need to be finished, fixed or redone to complete the workspace. The Deficiency document organizes information on the deficiency itself, the actions and parties required to resolve it, and the schedule required for its completion.

The Deficiency document also allows you to track progress on any of these actions, and once all have been completed to specification you can record details of the final resolution and closure of the deficiency. 

A Deficiency document's information is grouped under the following pages:

Additional deficiency information is also available on the following tabs:

An example of the lifecycle of a deficiency within Proliance :

  1. During inspection of a construction site, a defect is discovered regarding a specific element of construction not matching the required specification.
  2. A Deficiency document is created with basic general details of the defect entered on the Main page, a general description, location, parties responsible and other details as may be required.
  3. A series of Actions are now agreed by all concerned parties that will need to be completed in order to resolve this defect. These Actions are recorded in the Action Items page of the Deficiency document, and contain a description of the task required, which party will carry it out, planned completion date, cost implications and so on.
  4. Once some or all of these Action Items have been completed, the work would be inspected and details on the progress of each Action Item will be recorded in the Inspection Log page of the Deficiency document. One or more inspections may be required before all Actions Items are deemed to have been satisfactorily completed.
  5. Once all Action Items have been inspected and resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, final defect resolution details can be entered against the Deficiency to formally close it off. This information would be entered on the Resolution page of the document, and can be used to record notes on work carried out, cost or schedule impacts as well as sign off details.


  • A Proliance document also contains information about itself, such as who created the document, and which workspace the document was created in. For more information, see "Common Document Information".