About Proliance Documents

Proliance organizes information using documents. Each document contains one or more pages of information. Within each page, the information may be categorized into one or more sections. All documents have a Main page and a Properties page while some have additional pages. All documents can be found in their respective registers throughout Proliance.


Proliance document layout screen.

Proliance displays each document in its own window. Each document has one or more tabs and pages.

ClosedDocument buttons

A row of buttons is provided at the top of each Proliance document. These buttons enable you to perform the following document related actions:

Button Action


Places the document in edit mode. When a document is in edit mode, you can add or change document information.

Exit Edit Mode

Returns the document to read mode. In read mode, you can only view document information.


Clicking this button drops down a list of all the workflow actions you can currently perform on the open document. Under certain circumstances, this button is also accompanied by a recommended action button.


Saves a new document to the database or retains changes made to an existing document in edit mode.


Creates a notice based on the current document. For more information, see "Forwarding a Document".

Note: This button is unavailable from the Portfolios work area

Sharing Share the document with contacts at a specified company. Sharing allows contacts at the selected company to access the document, but does not send them a notice that they have access. You can also unshare the document with selected companies, revoking access rights for contacts at those companies for the selected documents. Only users with 'Unshare documents' permissions can unshare documents. For more information, see "Sharing and Unsharing a Document".

Upload and attach files to most Proliance documents using the Attach button. The Attach button appears in the top button bar when you display a document. You can attach multiple files by pressing the SHIFT key while selecting files to upload. The attached files appear on the Attachments tab.

For more information about the Attachments tab, see "Attachments Tab".


Clicking this button will drop down a list of actions that you can perform based on the current document. The actions available depend on the document type.

Expand section button.

Expands all collapsed sections on the current page.

Collapse section button.

Collapses all expanded sections on the current page.

Print button.

Creates a new document report based on the current document.

Refresh button.

Refreshes your view of the document with the most recently saved information. This is useful if you believe that someone has updated the document while you are viewing it. This button is available only while the document is in read mode.

Delete button.

Deletes the current document from the database.

Help button.

Opens the Proliance Online Help to a topic appropriate to the current document.

Documents and Workflow

All Proliance documents have workflow states that define their life cycle. For more information, see "About Document Workflow".

Documents vs. Notices

Like documents, notices are also organized within registers. However, a notice simply opens a document when you click it — a notice is not a document in its own right. A notice is analogous to the shipping label that is affixed to your courier packages. For more information, see "About Notices".

The purpose of a notice is to alert you to a document that is awaiting your attention. Notices have different icons so that you can see at a glance what is expected of you.

Proliance creates the notices when you collaborate on a document with other workspace team members.

Document Synchronization

In Proliance, documents are often created in the Organization work area and then sent to a portfolio or workspace for use. This results in two copies of the document in the system. Proliance offers a synchronization feature to ensure that updates made to one of the copies are reflected in the other. For more information, see "About Document Synchronization".


  • Certain document sections may be configured by administrators to be hidden in your installation of Proliance.
  • A Proliance document also contains information about itself, such as who created the document, and which workspace the document was created in. For more information, see "Common Document Information".