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A document created from a document subtype is a document instance. Your permissions for a document instance are determined by your company role. If your company is granted access to a document instance, employees (participants, staff, contacts) of your company will have the same permission.
Access to a document instance is determined by the “Read All Instances” and “Update All Instances” permissions in company and security roles. If these permissions are not set in any of the user’s roles, then these users can only read and edit documents instances under the following conditions:
Every document enables you to enter the participants who are responsible for it. For example, in an RFI, the Answer Source Company is responsible for providing an answer to the RFI. In a contract, the Receiving Company ensures the task detailed in the contract is performed. The function that a company has in the document determines the type of permission it will have in that document instance. Employees from this company inherit the same permissions.
Your company can be responsible for a document instance if it is a(n):