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About Notices
You compose
and send a notice when collaborating on a document. You can send notices
to anyone in the Staff or Contacts registers. Notices in Proliance
serve three purposes. They allow the sender of a document to specify:
- Who should receive
the document
- The recommended action
that should be performed next
- The expected due
date for completion of that action
- A custom message
to display to all recipients
They allow the recipient of a document to
- Whether they are
expected to perform a certain action
- The time frame for
that action
- More details from
a custom note
For the sender, a notice is similar to an
address label that is affixed to a package. For the recipient, the notice
behaves like a "sticky
note" affixed to a document that someone has dropped off on their
desks. For Proliance, they notify a workspace or organization that one of
its documents has been synchronized.
Notices sent directly to you appear in the My
Notices register in the Organization, Workspaces and Portfolios work areas.
The Organization work area also displays current totals of notices by
Priority, Date, and Type.
Important: (Large Notice
Volumes): To improve the response time of the Organization
work area page, the notice totals in this page will NOT be populated if
that Organization has more than 100,000 notices. Instead, click Update to display the
current totals. Be aware that it may
take a few minutes to calculate and display these totals if
you have a large Proliance implementation.
When you send
a notice by forwarding a document or performing a workflow action, you
will see the following fields:
- To:The people who should receive the document.
- From:The user ID of the person composing the notice. This information is
for display only.
- CC:The people who should be copied on the document.
- Recipient Action:What the recipient of the document is expected to do. Normally, this
is 'Review & Reply'—this results in the document being returned with
the same state. However, the required action can be a workflow
action that alters the state of the document. (Note anyone with the
appropriate security
role can still alter the workflow state of the document, regardless
of the recipient action.) Normally, one of the 'To' recipients performs
the required action, but Proliance allows anyone with the appropriate
security to perform the action. The required action only needs to be performed
once, regardless of the number of recipients listed.
- Custom Message:A message that will be displayed in the "sticky note" that
appears when a recipient opens the document.
- Priority:The level of importance of the document. Recipients can sort their notices
based on priority. The default priority of
the notice is the same as the priority of the accompanying document.
- Due Date:The date when you expect a response from the recipient. You can leave
this date blank if you don't expect your recipients to take any action.
This date is for reference only.
When you receive a notice, you see these fields on the sticky
note affixed to the document:
- Recipient
Action:What the recipient of the document is expected to do. Normally, this
is 'Review & Reply'—this results in the document being returned with
the same state. However, the required action can be a workflow
action that alters the state of the document. (Note anyone with the
appropriate security
role can still alter the workflow state of the document, regardless
of the recipient action.) Normally, one of the 'To' recipients performs
the required action, but Proliance allows anyone with the appropriate
security to perform the action. The required action only needs to be performed
once, regardless of the number of recipients listed.
- Sent By:The user ID of the person who sent the notice.
- To:The people who received the document.
- Due:The date when you are expected to respond to the sender. This date may
be blank if the sender doesn't expect you to take any action. This date
is for reference only.
- Message:The custom message that the sender typed before sending this document.
If one of your notices is no longer valid, Proliance updates
it so that you do not perform any unnecessary tasks on the accompanying