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All Proliance documents have workflow states that define where it is in its life cycle within Proliance. All documents have a Workflow tab. You advance a document through its workflow by performing a workflow action.
Each document has its own default set of workflow actions. If customized states were created for a document subtype, it will include the default actions for each state. Proliance may display the recommended action button at the top of the page.
When will the recommended action button appear?
You can choose to do any of the following when performing a workflow action:
Note: Names next to "Hcc:" cannot be removed here. In other words, these people must receive notice about a document's state change.
Selecting an Action to Perform
Many documents offer several possible courses of action from a given workflow state. If your security role permits it, you will see the actions you can perform under the under the Workflow button. These actions may be different from the recommended one. For more information, see "Setting Up a Document for an Action".