About Standard Forms

A Standard form is a special type of catalog card that allows you to use external files in the Management Plans feature of Proliance. Like a catalog card, a standard form can represent any electronic document: word processor files, spreadsheets, or scanned images of paper documents.

Standard forms from the Workspaces work area may have been created locally, or they may have been copied from the Organization work area when a standard group was exported or imported.

ClosedStandard Forms vs. Catalog Cards

Standard forms are very similar to catalog cards. They both have the same purpose: to allow you to add external files to Proliance and to optionally circulate the card for review and approval.

However, standard forms are intended to represent files that will be used within plans in the Management Plans feature. Catalog cards represent files and items that are general in nature. A file attached to a catalog card cannot be used in plans.

ClosedStandard Forms vs. Forms

Standard forms are packaged into standard plans. When you create a plan using a standard plan, Proliance uses the packaged standard forms to create the forms that appear in each stage of the plan.

Standard forms can also be used to "refresh" a form back to its original state when you move from one stage to another.

A standard form itself is never used in a plan, while a form cannot be used as a template to create another form.

You also use standard forms to define default information that will appear in forms once plans in use are created based on the standards. This reduces the amount of information that workspace team members must enter into the forms and it helps maintain consistency between workspaces.

Standard forms can exist in both the Organization work area and the Workspaces work area:

Information in a standard form is organized across the following pages:

Additional information is also available on the following tabs: