About Review Processes

A review process describes who will review and provide feedback on a document, and the order in which the review occurs. This review process is managed through the Review Process/Review Steps page of a document.

Different types of documents can have their own review process. For example, a drawing document has its own review process and can be circulated for review on its own. But when the drawing is added to a drawing package, the review process from the package overwrites the review process in the drawing.

You can edit the review process while the state of the document is Draft or Submitted, but the review process cannot be changed once the document enters the In Review state.


  • Adding a document to a package that does not have a review process defined will effectively delete any review process that may have been defined in the document.
  • Removing a document from a package will retain the package's review process in the document—in other words, the document will not revert back to the review process that it had prior to being added to the package.