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The Main page contains detailed information about the activity. This information is grouped under the following headings. The activity document needs to be in edit mode before you can modify these fields.
The following fields appear after a task is linked and saved to the activity:
The Project section displays a simplified version of the information available on the Projects tab. Use this section to quickly view a list of projects currently linked to the document, and to create, read and delete project links in edit mode. Information displayed in the project section is also available on the Projects tab, and any changes you make in the Project section is synchronized with the Projects tab.
When editing the Project section, for activity documents without linked tasks, you can set the current document's project linking status to:
The current status of project linking is displayed in the section header so that you can quickly scan project status with all the sections on the Main page collapsed. The document must be in edit mode before you can update information in the Project section.
Enter edit mode to do the following:
Responsible Person:Click the Magnifying Glass icon
to select the company and contact responsible for managing
the particular activity. This company must have a state
of Active.
Managing Contact:Click the Magnifying Glass icon
to select the user employed by the Manager
Company who is responsible for the activity. The manager
contact must have a security
role that grants him or her full permissions
to activities. The manager contact must have a state
of Active and must have a valid