Plan Package Workflow Actions

The following table summarizes the actions that you can take on a plan package document. The current document state and your security role determine which actions are available to you at any given moment.

While in edit mode, Proliance displays at the top of the page the workflow action recommended by the sender of the document. You can use the "Workflow" button to change or select an action if none was recommended. For more information, see "Performing a Workflow Action".

From a plan package document, you can… Preconditions New State


Activate the current plan package

At least one standard plan has been linked and all linked standard plans are Active. For more information on linking standard plans, see "plan package - Main".



Deactivate the current plan package

Plan Package must be Active



Reactivate the current plan package.

Plan Package must be Inactive

At least one standard plan has been linked and all linked standard plans are Active. For more information on linking standard plans, see "plan package - Main".


Reset to Draft

Reset the current plan package back to Draft state

Plan Package must be Active
