Scope - Settings

The scope document's Settings page details some of the display options for the selected scope document. The Settings page also enables you to specify the business rules that Proliance applies on the selected scope document to ACR columns and allocations. The scope document needs to be in edit mode before you can modify the settings.

ClosedCost Offset Settings

ClosedAnticipated Cost Report (ACR) Settings

ClosedACR Column Settings

Subtype State ACR Columns:Closed

Budget/Cost ACR Column:

In this section, use the drop-down lists to select the budget or cost ACR columns that Proliance should use for the allocations when the scope document enters the indicated state. You have three options:

a. Leave as is and use the default ACR columns as set from your Local Admin.

b. Override the default ACR column by selecting a different one. Note that this override only applies to the existing scope document and not to new or existing ones.

c. Select Use Subtype State Configuration to have this ACR column determined from the Local Admin's 'Subtype State Configuration' setting. This setting in the Local Admin only defines the ACR column for new scope documents and existing ones that selected Use Subtype Configuration.

The 'No Change' option instructs Proliance to use the same ACR column from the previous state.

For example, if you select 'Cost Original' for Cost ACR Column in Approved State, Proliance automatically changes the ACR columns of all the cost allocations to 'Cost Original' once the scope document reaches the Approved state. You can still change the ACR column later through the Scope - Line Items page.

ClosedBook Type Settings

This section determines what book types are available to the current scope document. A book type may not be available for selection if it was not enabled for the workspace. For more information, see "Enabling/Disabling Book Types in a Workspace".