Enabling/Disabling BCM Integrations

It is possible to disable or enable the Budget/Cost Management (BCM) module in Proliance, either for the entire workspace or for specific expense contracts and cost events. Note that BCM does not apply to revenue contracts.

Note: You can enable/disable BCM only if your site is licensed to use this module.

ClosedWhy would I turn BCM off?

BCM provides advanced cost management functionality within Proliance. The level of complexity provided by BCM may not be required on all workspaces. Additionally, you may not want to have BCM integration in every contract or cost event document.

When you disable BCM, all references to this feature are removed from the user interface and Proliance will not perform any of the business rules relating to budget/cost management. In short, Proliance will behave as if the BCM module has not been licensed.

Enabling/Disabling BCM for a Workspace

While a new workspace is still in the Draft state, you can toggle the BCM integration setting on the workspace's Main page without affecting data. Once the workspace moves out of the Draft state, you can still enable or disable BCM under the following conditions, with sufficient security permissions:

Note: If you are unsure whether you will use BCM, you should enable it for the workspace and then disable it for individual documents.

Enabling/Disabling BCM for Individual Documents

In a workspace where BCM is enabled, you can disable or enable BCM for individual contracts or cost events, provided that your security role allows you to edit these documents. The BCM setting for a contract is carried over to any change order and invoice created from that contract.

You can enable or disable BCM for individual documents provided that:

If any of the above items are present, you can enable or disable BCM after removing the items.

If BCM is disabled for an individual document, you can enable it later provided that BCM is also enabled on the workspace.

ClosedTo enable or disable BCM on a workspace

For workspaces in the Draft state:

  1. Open the Workspace Properties document for the workspace from the Organization work area and then click Edit.
  2. Under the General section, select the "BCM Integration Enabled" checkbox to enable BCM.
  3. — or —

    Clear the "BCM Integration Enabled" checkbox to disable BCM.

  4. Click Save.
  5. Proliance enables or disables BCM for the draft workspace. Click Exit Edit Mode when done.

For workspaces with any state except the Draft state:

  1. Open the Workspace Properties document for the workspace from the Workspaceswork area.
  2. Click Options.
  3. To disable BCM, select Disable BCM Integration.
  4. — or —

    To enable BCM, select Enable BCM Integration.

    Proliance prompts you for confirmation.

  5. Click OK to confirm.
  6. Proliance enables or disables BCM for the workspace. If you are enabling BCM, be sure to review whether any existing documents need to have BCM enabled.

ClosedTo enable or disable BCM on a document

  1. Open the expense contract or cost event that you wish to enable/disable BCM integration.
  2. Do not enter the edit mode.

  3. Click Options.
  4. To disable BCM, select Disable BCM Integration.
  5. — or —

    To enable BCM, select Enable BCM Integration.

    Proliance prompts you for confirmation.

  6. Click Yes to confirm.
  7. Proliance enables or disables BCM for the document. The change is reflected in either the Main page Summary section of the Cost Event Document or in the Settings page of the Expense Contract document.