About Controlling Documents

An allocation can only be updated from the document that currently controls it, except where drawdowns are involved. The controlling document is defined as the document from which you can edit the allocation. Normally, this is the document where the allocation was originally created. However, the control can be passed if the allocation is handed off or if it is moved to another cost account.

A cost account is a special instance of a controlling document. Cost accounts are always the controlling document for allocations listed in its Line Items page. However, allocations controlled by other documents are also linked to cost accounts for grouping and categorization purposes. These do not appear on the Line Items page, but they are included in the totals on the cost account's Financial Summary page and on the Anticipated Cost Report.

The following Proliance documents control their allocations directly. For these documents, the total value of the document is defined by the sum of the allocations within it.

Other Proliance documents have their own line items and these line items control the allocations.

Each allocation is specifically controlled by a single line item on the controlling document. Other allocations can also be controlled by the same line item. The sum of all of the allocations controlled by a line item equals the controlling line item's Scheduled Amt. If the controlling document is a cost event, then the sum equals the Applied Revenue/Applied Expense instead.

The following Proliance documents are controlling documents for their own allocations:

You can configure Proliance to automatically update the ACR column of the relevant allocations as the controlling document moves through its respective states. For more information, see "Specifying Default ACR Columns".