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Most of the categories of information that appear on the Financial Summary page also appear on the Anticipated Cost Report (ACR). The difference is that on the ACR, the categories summarize the information from all of your workspace's cost accounts. The information on the Financial Summary page comes from one cost account only.
The Budget/Cost Variance columns describe differences between aspects of the cost account's budget and costs. These differences develop over the life of a workspace, as the true costs become clearer.
Approved Original Budget + Approved Changes + Approved Transfers + Proceed Budget
Pending Original Budget + Pending Changes + Pending Transfers
Approved Changes: The approved change amounts. This is from the sum of all line items with the ACR column Cost Approved Changes. This ACR column is mainly used in Approved change orders, but it can also appear in any other documents (cost accounts or transfers, for example).
Assigned Reserves: Money that is set aside for contingencies. This is from the sum of all allocations with the ACR column Cost Assigned Reserves.
Certified Invoiced: Money that has been invoiced on expense invoices with a workflow state of Approved – Pending Release for Payment (RFP) or Closed – Released for Payment.
Current Commitments: The total current commitments, calculated as follows:
Setoff Orders + Proceed Costs + Original Costs + Approved Changes
Estimate at Completion (EAC): The total estimate at completion, calculated as the sum of Current Commitments and Estimate to Complete (ETC).
Estimate to Complete (ETC): The sum of all pending amounts and reserves, calculated as follows:
Pending Costs + Estimated Costs + Orders to Place + Assigned
Reserves + Unassigned Reserves
Estimated Costs: An early estimate of the cost of the work that the cost account is paying for. This is from the sum of all line items with the ACR column Cost Estimated. This ACR column is mainly used in quotes, but it can appear in any document.
Internal+Estimate at Completion: This is the adjusted estimate at completion, calculated as the sum of Estimate at Completion (EAC) and Internal Adjustments.
Internal Adjustments: The cost adjustment that the workspace management team has identified as necessary and appropriate.
Orders to Place: The estimated amount of work that has not entered the purchasing process. This is also known as "Unbought Work." This amount is from the sum of all allocations with the ACR column Cost Orders to Place.
Original Costs: Work for the cost account that has been purchased or agreed to in contracts. It is also known as "Bought Original Scope" or "Orders Placed". This amount is from the sum of all line items with the ACR column Cost Original. This ACR column is mainly used in Pending expense contracts, but it can also appear in any other documents.
Pending Costs: The pending or unapproved change amounts for the cost account. This amount comes from the sum of all line items with the ACR column Cost Pending Changes. This ACR column is mainly used in Pending cost change orders, but it can also appear in any other documents (cost accounts or transfers, for example).