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Every new invoice that you create against an auto-commit contract redefines the value of the contract. Unlike invoices for pre-commit contracts, there are no line items on a new invoice for an auto-commit contract. You must add line items to the invoice. The state of the contract must be Pending, Approved, Pending Acceptance, or Pending Approval.
Also, a new auto-commit invoice does not inherit any line items from previous invoices, so no line items appear on it until you add new ones. The only exception is a retainage release invoice, which does show the line items from previous invoices against the contract.
Invoices for auto-commit contracts are not related to each other, unless retainage applies to the contract. Furthermore, the Sequence Number of an auto-commit invoice is not important, because changes to one invoice against an auto-commit contract do not affect other invoices against the contract.
Your security role must have permission to create invoices and to read contracts. For more information, see "About Security Permissions".
To create an invoice for an auto-commit contract
— or —
Open the Invoices tab on the auto-commit contract that you are creating the invoice against.
The Invoice Setup wizard appears.
Be sure to correctly specify whether you are creating a Normal auto-commit invoice, or a Retainage Release one. Note that if you are creating the invoice from within a contract, Proliance automatically fills in the name of the contract in the box on the first page of the wizard. When you complete the wizard, the new invoice appears.
The Line Items page of the new invoice appears. There are no line items on the Line Items page because you must add new line items to every new auto-commit invoice.
Please refer to the following for more information on the fields for each page:
Proliance saves your changes and returns you to the register or tab.