Deleting a Company

In exceptional circumstances, you may need to remove a company from Proliance. To remove a company from Proliance, your security role in the appropriate work area must have permission to delete that type of company. For more information, see "About Security Permissions".

A company can only be deleted from the Portfolios and Organization work area. You can, however, deactivate a company from the Workspaces work area. For more information, see "Deactivating a Company".

The guidelines for deleting companies differ for each work area:

ClosedFrom the Organizationwork area

Companies defined in the Organization work area should rarely be deleted, as they are normally kept for archival purposes and cannot later be retrieved. However, you may need to delete a company if it was defined in error, if it ceases to exist, or if changes in your organization render the company obsolete.

With the exception of Contact and Staff documents, which have their own registers, deleting a company document in the Organization work area will also delete that company's reference documents.

Proliance will not allow you to delete a company from the Organization work area in the following situations:

Closed  From the Portfolios work area

You may wish to delete companies from the Portfolios work area if the company was added in error to the workspace, if the company cancels its participation in a workspace, or if you want to delete the company from the Organization work area.

Deleting a company from a portfolio does not affect the corresponding company document in the Organization work area or other portfolios and workspaces.


  • Before you can delete an Active company from a portfolio, you must first deactivate the contact in the Organization work area. Companies in the Active workflow state cannot be deleted, and workflow actions cannot be performed from the Portfolios work area.

ClosedTo delete a company

  1. Open the Companies register.
  2. Select the check box next the companies you wish to delete and click Delete.
  3. — or —

    Open the company document you wish to delete and click Delete The delete button..

  4. Click Yes when prompted to confirm.
  5. Proliance removes the company from the register.


  • Instead of deleting a company, you may wish to simply deactivate it. This changes the state of the company to Inactive, which allows you to reactivate it later or to permanently delete it if you choose. For more information, see "Company Workflow Actions".


  • You cannot delete a company while it has an Active state.