Company - Main

The Main page of a company contains detailed information about the company, org company, or business unit. This page lists general information about the company, as well as financial, legal, and business information.

For business units, the parent company of the selected company is displayed just below the Main label. You can click the company name to view detailed information about the parent, or you can add or change the parent while editing the Main page.

The following table shows which sections are available for the different types of companies in each work area:

Section Company (Organization / Portfolios) Org Company (Organization) Business Unit (Organization) Company (Workspaces/Portfolios)




Company/More Details



Legal Financial Info

Company Types


Business Unit Types




Market Expertise


Main Construction Divisions


Information about a company is grouped under the following sections. The company document needs to be in edit mode before you can modify the fields.




The Project section displays a simplified version of the information available on the Projects tab. Use this section to quickly view a list of projects currently linked to the document, and to create, read and delete project links in edit mode. Information displayed in the project section is also available on the Projects tab, and any changes you make in the Project section is synchronized with the Projects tab.


  • Like all other project-related user interface elements, the Projects section is hidden if no projects currently exist in the workspace.

Using the Project section, you can set the current document's project linking status to:

The current status of project linking is displayed in the section header so that you can quickly scan project status with all the sections on the Main page collapsed. The document must be in edit mode before you can update information in the Project section.


ClosedMore Details

ClosedLegal & Financial

ClosedCompany Types / Business Unit Types

This section lists the categories that describe the company or business unit. You can list as many categories as necessary.

Enter edit mode to do the following:

ClosedMarket Expertise

This section lists the categories that describe the market expertise of the company. You can list as many categories as necessary.

Note: The Market Expertise section is available only in the Organization work area.

Enter edit mode to do the following:

ClosedMain Construction Divisions

This section lists the categories that describe the division of work performed by the company for each location. You can list as many categories as necessary.

Note: The Main Construction Divisions section is available only in the Organization work area.

Enter edit mode to do the following:

For more information about the actions available on this page, refer to "Company Workflow Actions".