Bid Package - Bidder Instructions

On the Bidder Instructions page you can document any special considerations that bidders must take into account when submitting a bid, such as deliverable schedules, applicable standards and special requirements. All information on this page is included on the Instructions page of invitations made available to bidders when the package is issued.


In the Instructions section you can add high-level guidance that will help bidders respond to the invitation. For example, this text field can include information on:


Using the Dates section you can add deadline and milestone dates for the bidding process.


You can use the Files grid to list catalog cards with attached Presentation files. These file attachments can contain details on how bidders should submit their bid. Bidders will be able to see the hyperlink to download the presentation file on the Instructions page of their invitation, but will not have access to the Catalog Card document itself.

For example, you can include a Microsoft Word file that contains a checklist that further describes the steps in the bid process. Attach the Word file as a Presentation file to a catalog card and then add the catalog card to the Files list in the package. Bidders will be able to download the file from their invitation. No additional security settings are required to allow bidders to download file attachments associated with catalog cards.

In the Files grid you can:

The following columns appear for each line item: