About the Reviewer Feedback Page

The Reviewer Feedback page shows the recommendations and comments of each reviewer for the package being reviewed. This page displays information only when the package is in the In Review or Completed states.

This page has dual purposes, depending on whether you are the managing contact or a reviewer:

This page shows the following information:

The following table summarizes the actions available on this page. These actions are intended for the reviewers of a package.

On this page, a reviewer can...


Recommend acceptance for all documents in the package—this is a shortcut to selecting "Accepted" for every item

Recommend Accept All

Recommend rejection for all documents in the package—this is a shortcut to selecting "Rejected" for every item

Recommend Reject All

Finish the review—this notifies the managing contact that a step is complete; it also instructs Proliance to send the package to the next reviewer

Finish Review


  • The recommendations entered by a reviewer do not change the state of the items. They are simply suggestions to the managing contact, who will change the state of the items when he or she completes the package.
  • Even though the package is sent to the users defined in the Review Steps page for feedback, anyone who has update permissions to the package documents can enter feedback. For more information, see "About Security Permissions".