Adding Standard Plans to a Plan Package

You can add standard plans to a plan package from either document if you know which plans should be used in a group. To add a standard plan, the plan package must be in the Draft or Inactive workflow state. The standard plan can be in any state.

In order to export or import a plan package from the Organization work area to a workspace, the plan package must contain at least one standard plan.

Note: Although a standard plan can be in any state when you add it to a plan package, before exporting or importing the plan package all of its standard plans must be Active.

ClosedTo add standard plans from a plan package document

  1. Open the Plan Packages register from the appropriate work area.
  2. Select the appropriate Plan Package.
  3. The Main page appears.

  4. Click Edit.
  5. Go to Standard Plans > Add Line.
  6. A new row is added to the end of the grid.

  7. Next to the Title field, click the Magnifying Glass icon The magnifying glass icon. and then select the standard plan from the dialog box.
  8. If the standard plan you wish to select has not been created in Proliance, click New while in the Standard Plans dialog box. Complete the required fields and click Save. You can now return to the dialog box to select this standard plan.

  9. Select the Is Required check box if the standard plan must be included in any plans created using this Plan Package.
  10. Standard plans that are not marked as required can be omitted when creating plans.

  11. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to add more standard plans.
  12. Click Save.

ClosedTo add standard plans from a plan package document

  1. Open the Standard Plans register from the appropriate work area.
  2. Select the appropriate Standard Plan.
  3. The Main page appears.

  4. Click Edit.
  5. Next to the Plan Package field, click the Magnifying Glass icon The magnifying glass icon. and select the plan package to which you want to add the standard plan from the dialog box.
  6. You can select any plan package in the current work area that does not currently have an Active state. If the plan package you wish to select has not been created in Proliance, click New while in the Plan Packages dialog box. Complete the required fields and click Save. You can now return to the dialog box to select this plan package.

  7. Click Save.