Updating Submitted Correspondence

Proliance enables you to copy existing correspondence documents and update them with responses or additional information. Unlike RFIs where you can add your responses directly to the document, you can only update a submitted correspondence document by creating a new one. The new document contains the name of the sender, the date when it was created, the message of the original document plus any attachments that may have been included with the original correspondence document.

Please see the notes below on "Carrying Forward Attachments" for information on how to configure Proliance not to automatically carry forward attachments when you reply to correspondence.

ClosedTo reply to correspondence

  1. Open the Correspondence register.
  2. Select the correspondence document for which you want to create a reply.
  3. Click Options and select Add Update.
  4. A new correspondence document opens in New Mode. The required fields are marked with asterisks and may also be highlighted. For more information, see "About Required Fields".

  5. After entering the information, click Save.
  6. Proliance saves the new document.


  • You can configure Proliance to NOT carry forward attachments when replying to correspondence. In Local Admin, set the IsCopyAttachments field to 'False' for that Correspondence document template. For more details, refer to the Proliance Local Admin Help .