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The Bidders List page contains
a list of vendor companies and primary contacts who are involved in the bidding process. When the package is set to the Issued state, an invitation is created for each contact on the bidders list. You can use the Bidders List page to:
The columns in the Bidders List grid are described below.
- Company: Displays the company that will receive the package.
Click the link to display the related company document.
- Contact: Click the Magnifying Glass icon to select the company contact that will receive the invitation or keep the default contact for the company. If you change the bidder contact at a later date, the new bidder contact information will be automatically updated on all related documents.
- Bid Invitation: Displays a hyperlink with the current workflow state of the invitation. Click the link to view the invitation for that bidder.
- Bid Proposal: Displays a hyperlink with the current workflow state of the proposal. Click the link to view the proposal for that bidder.
- Notes: Click to enter additional details about the bidder to receive the package. This information is for internal use only and is not shared with bidders.