Drawings/Submittals Creation Wizard

The Drawings or Submittals Creation Wizards are used to create up to 500 drawings or submittals at a time. These wizards are available by clicking Tools in the appropriate register. Documents created in this way will appear as normal in their respective registers.

Follow the instructions on the wizard to create the documents. When the wizard is complete, you can edit the documents to add more information, or run the wizard again to add more documents.

Batch File Uploader Tool

The wizard contain a batch file uploader tool that you can use to upload multiple files from your local computer in a single process. The wizard also helps you to create a new document for each uploaded file where you can store additional file information.

If you are using projects, you can link the newly-created documents to the projects of your choice. The list of available projects may be limited by your current project associations.

The batch file uploader tool requires that Microsoft Silverlight be installed on your computer. If you do not already have Silverlight installed, you will be prompted to download and install the software when you start the batch file uploader tool.


When downloading Silverlight you may encounter the following Security Warning dialog if Proliance is hosted on a secure server:

"Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely? This webpage contains content that will not be delivered using a secure HTTPS connection, which could compromise the security of the entire webpage."

When you see this Security Warning dialog, click No. Otherwise, Silverlight will not be installed.

To upload multiple files using the batch uploader tool:


The columns used in the wizard for specifying new Drawing or Submittal data include several predefined columns, plus any additional fields that your company has manually defined as 'required' in the document subtype. Please note that multiple item lists such as Categories and Areas appear in the wizard as single item picklists. Line items on the Review Process page cannot be added via the wizard.

For information on the predefined column headings used in the wizard, see the following sections in "Drawings/Submittals - Main":

For information on this column... Refer to this section on the Main page... Notes

Auto Populate Number?


Optional (Check Box)




Auto Populate Title?


Optional  (Check Box)




Revision Number


If left blank, revision number "0" is used

Revision Number



System Revision Number



Rename File?

Non Document Field

(See Notes for information)

Optional (Check Box)

This field when checked will automatically create a new revision of the specific  document you are dealing with.

New Revision?

File/URL Information

Optional (Check Box)

Source File/URL

File/URL Information


Presentation File/URL

File/URL Information


The required fields are marked with asterisks and may also be highlighted. For more information, see "About Required Fields".


  • To more easily see the newly uploaded files, use the Views filter in the Drawings or Submittals register.


  • You cannot use the Drawings or Submittals Creation Wizards to upload files to existing documents. The wizard will always create new documents.