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Using the Sharing > Share button in a document register, you can make multiple documents available to selected companies and their related contacts. Sharing documents is ideal when you want to make documents accessible to many Proliance users from other companies, but do not want to send each contact a notification, like you would when forwarding a single document. When documents are made available to contacts for a company, those document will appear in their document register. The sharing of documents can only be done between contacts and companies that are within the shared document's workspace.
Using the Sharing > Unshare button, you can also revoke access to one or more documents. As with sharing documents, when revoking access to documents, no notification is sent, even when removing access to a document that was previously made available using the forwarding functionality.
You can share or unshare a document that is in any workflow state. Each document maintains a record of companies that it has been shared with on its Activity Log tab.