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When you create a new invoice for a pre-commit contract, Proliance automatically copies the contract's line items to the invoice.
An invoice against a pre-commit contract has the following columns. The invoice needs to be in edit mode before you can modify the fields.
On a pre-commit invoice, the Scheduled columns display the base values for the line item from the originating contract or change order.
The cost amount for the line item. This information is required. Proliance uses Scheduled Amount in many of its calculations.
Scheduled Amount = Scheduled Qty * Unit Price
By default, the Scheduled Amt is the same as the Scheduled Amt of the line item on the source contract or change order. You can edit the Scheduled Amount only if the contract to which this invoice's contract applies uses variable total billing rules, and only if this invoice is the most recent invoice against the contract.
You cannot make the Scheduled Amt less than the To Date General Amt (located under "To Date" Columns).
Proliance gives you the option of sending any change that you make to the Scheduled Amount back to the source document.
The quantity of the item or service that is required by the contract. You can edit the Scheduled Qty on the invoice only if the contract to which this invoice applies uses variable total billing rules, and only if this invoice is the most recent invoice against the contract. The default value is 1.0.
If you edit the Scheduled Qty, Proliance asks you for permission to update the Scheduled Qty on the source contract or change order. The restrictions on editing the Scheduled Amount also apply to editing the Scheduled Qty.
Scheduled Amount = Scheduled Qty * Scheduled Unit Price
Proliance applies currency precision rules to the Scheduled Amt when it performs this calculation.
The agreed upon price for one unit of the material that the line item represents. This price is the same as the unit price on the source contract or change order. You cannot change the unit price on the invoice.
Scheduled Unit Price = Scheduled Amount/ Scheduled Qty
Proliance automatically performs this calculation if you edit Scheduled Amount or Scheduled Qty. If you set Scheduled Amount to a value other than 0, but set Scheduled Qty = 0, Proliance sets Scheduled Qty = 1 before performing the calculation.
If you set Scheduled Amount = 0, Proliance does not perform the calculation. Instead, it sets Scheduled Qty = 0.
The To Date columns contain cumulative information from all of the existing invoices against the contract, including the current one. As you edit the This Invoice columns, Proliance increases or decreases the corresponding To Date column values accordingly.
The total amount of progress against the line item, in terms of currency. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = To Date Amt - To Date Stored Amt - Previous General Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
To Date Amt = To Date Amt + To Date Stored Amount
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The amount of installed work to date, as a currency amount.
When you create a new invoice, Proliance sets To Date General Amt to the value of Previous General Amt. Proliance then performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = To Date General Amt - Previous General Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
This column is editable.
The amount of installed work to date as a percentage of the full amount of the line item. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = To Date General Pct * Scheduled Amount - Previous General Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
To Date General Pct = To Date General Amt / Scheduled Amount
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The quantity of installed work to date. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = To Date General Qty / Scheduled Qty * Scheduled Amount - Previous General Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
To Date General Qty = Scheduled Qty * To Date General Amt / Scheduled Amount
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The total amount of progress against the line item, as a percentage. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = To Date Pct * Scheduled Amt - This Invoice Stored Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
To Date Pct = To Date Amt / Scheduled Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The total quantity of progress against the line item. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = To Date Qty / Scheduled Qty * Scheduled Amount - To Date Stored Amt - Previous General Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
To Date Qty = To Date General Qty + To Date Stored Qty
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The amount of stored material to date, in terms of currency. You cannot edit this column. When you create a new invoice, Proliance sets To Date Stored Amt to the value of Progress Previous Stored Amount. Proliance then performs the following calculation:
This Invoice Stored Amt = To Date Stored Amt - Previous Stored Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The total amount of stored material from all previous invoices and the current invoice, in percentage terms. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice Stored Amt = To Date Stored Pct * Scheduled Amount - Previous Stored Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
To Date Stored Pct = To Date Stored Amt / Scheduled Amount
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The amount of stored material to date, as a quantity. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice Stored Amt = To Date Stored Qty / Scheduled Qty * Scheduled Amount - Previous Stored Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
To Date Stored Qty = Scheduled Qty* (To Date Stored Amt / Scheduled Amount)
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The total amount of retainage held back against the general work part of the line item from all previous invoices and the current invoice. This is a currency amount. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice Retainage General Amt = To Date Retainage General Amt - Previous Retainage General Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
To Date Retainage General Amt = This Invoice Retainage General Amt + Previous Retainage General Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The total amount of retainage held back against the general work component of the line item from the current invoice and all previous invoices. This amount is calculated by the To Date Retainage General Amt/the To Date Progress General Amt.
If you edit this column manually, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice Retainage General Amt = To Date Retainage General Pct * To Date Progress General Amt - Previous Retainage General Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
Note: If you are using variable retainage rules to manage retainage at the summary level, Proliance adjusts the To Date Retainage General Pct whenever necessary.
The amount of retainage held back against the stored material component of the line item from all previous invoices and the current invoice. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice Retainage Stored Amt = To Date Retainage Stored Amt - Previous Retainage Stored Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
This Invoice Retainage Stored Amt + Previous Retainage Stored Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The amount of retainage held back against the stored material part of the line item from all previous invoices and the current invoice. This amount is calculated by the To Date Retainage Stored Amt/ the To Date Progress Stored Amt. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice Retainage Stored Amt = To Date Retainage Stored Pct * To Date Progress Stored Amt - Previous Retainage Stored Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The total amount of retainage held back against the line item from the current invoice and all previous invoices. You cannot edit this column. Proliance calculates it as follows:
To Date Retainage Total Amt = To Date Retainage General Amt + To Date Retainage Stored Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The total percentage of retainage held back against the line item from all previous invoices and the current invoice. You cannot edit this column. Proliance calculates it as follows:
To Date Retainage Total Pct = To Date Retainage Total Amt / To Date Progress Total Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
A "Previous" invoice is an invoice that has a lower sequence number than the invoice that you are currently viewing. You cannot edit any of the "Previous" columns.
The total amount of retainage from all previous invoices. Proliance calculates this amount as follows:
Previous Retainage Total Amt = Previous Retainage General Amt + Previous Retainage Stored Amt
The total amount of progress against the line item from all invoices previous to the current invoice.
If all of the previous invoices have a value in the This Invoice Total Amt column, then Proliance calculates Previous Total Amt as the sum of This Invoice Total Amt values from all previous invoices.
Otherwise, Proliance performs the following calculation:
Previous Total Amt = Previous General Amt + Previous Stored Amt
The quantity of the total progress against the line item from all invoices previous to the current invoice.
If all of the previous invoices have a value in the This Invoice Total Qty column, then Proliance calculates Previous Total Qty as the sum of This Invoice Total Qty values from all previous invoices.
Otherwise, Proliance performs the following calculation:
Previous Total Qty = Previous General Qty + Previous Stored Qty
However, if anyone changes the Scheduled Unit Price, Proliance adjusts the Previous Total Qty to restore balance between Previous Stored Amt and Previous Stored Qty.
When you create a new invoice, you record the latest progress against the line items in the This Invoice columns. Unlike the To Date or Previous columns, the This Invoice columns do not include totals from any previous invoices.
The outstanding currency amount still owing against the line item after taking into account the progress on this invoice. You cannot edit this column. Proliance calculates this amount as follows:
This Invoice Balance Due Amt = Scheduled Amt - To Date Progress Amt
The amount of general work for the line item, as a currency amount. This column is the anchor for the other General columns. If you elected to use Stored Materialson the contract, the amount in this column is broken down over two sub-columns, This Invoice General Sub Amt and This Invoice General Sub Material Amt.
You can type a value in this column. Otherwise, Proliance calculates it as follows:
This Invoice General Amt = To Date Progress General Amt - Previous General Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The amount of general work for the line item, as a percentage. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = This Invoice General Pct * Scheduled Amount
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
This Invoice General Pct = This Invoice General Amt/ Scheduled Amount
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The amount of general work for the line item, as a quantity. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = ((This Invoice General Qty + Previous General Qty) / Scheduled Qty * Scheduled Amount) - Previous General Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
This Invoice General Qty = Scheduled Qty * (This Invoice General Amt / Scheduled Amount)
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The amount of general work for the line item that is not stored material. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = This Invoice General Sub Amt + This Invoice General Sub Material Amt
The default value of this column is zero (0), unless the Previous Total Amt exceeds the Scheduled Amount. In that case, Proliance calculates this column as follows:
This Invoice General Sub Amt = This Invoice General Amt - This Invoice General Sub Material Amt
The amount of general work for the line item that represents the roll over from the To Date Progress Stored Amt column. In other words, this is the currency amount of stored material from previous invoices that is being installed as general work on this invoice.
The default value of this column is zero (0) if stored materials are not in use on the contract. Otherwise, you can type a value in this column. If the Roll Stored Materials setting is selected on the contract's Settings page, Proliance moves the value of the To Date Progress Stored Amt column to this column, and sets To Date Progress Stored Amt to zero (0).
After you update this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = This Invoice General Sub Amt + This Invoice General Sub Material Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The currency amount that this invoice requires the awarding company to pay against the line item, including all committing taxes and retainage calculations. It does not include non-committing taxes. You cannot edit this column. Proliance calculates this amount as follows:
This Invoice Net Payable Amt = This Invoice Total Amt - This Invoice Retainage Total Amt
The total amount of the line item before the application of any taxes. Proliance calculates this column as follows:
This Invoice Pretax Total Amt = Pre Tax Total Amt * (This Invoice Net Payable Amt / Scheduled Amt)
The currency amount of retainage held back against general work on the line item. You can type a value for this column if you are managing retainage at the line item level.
If you edit this column directly, Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
If the This Invoice General Amt is edited, Proliance increments the This Invoice Retainage General Amt with following formula:
The new value of This Invoice Retainage General Amt = The old value of This Invoice Retainage General Amt + (New This Invoice General Amt – Old This Invoice General Amt)* This Invoice Retainage General Pct.
If the This Invoice Retainage General Pct is edited, Proliance increments the This Invoice Retainage General Amt with following formula:
This Invoice Retainage General Amt = The old value of This Invoice Retainage General Amt + This Invoice General Amt * (the new value of This Invoice Retainage General Pct – the old value of This Invoice Retainage General Pct).
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The percentage of retainage held back against general work on the line item. You can type a value for this column if you are managing retainage at the line item level. Otherwise, updating the Retainage Options dialog box with Change Percent Used for Calculating Retainage based on Progress will also update this column. If you are managing retainage at the summary level using variable retainage rules, Proliance adjusts the This Invoice Retainage General Pct whenever necessary.
When this field is updated, Proliance then performs the following calculation:
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The currency amount of retainage held back against stored material for the line item. You can type a value for this column if you are managing retainage at the line item level.
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The percentage of retainage held back against stored material for the line item. You can type a value for this column if you are managing retainage at the line item level.
If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice Retainage Stored Amt = The old value of This Invoice Retainage Stored Amt + This Invoice Stored Amt * (the new value of This Invoice Retainage Stored Pct – the old value of This Invoice Retainage Stored Pct).
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
Note that this column is only present on pre-commit invoices.
The total currency amount of retainage against the line item. You cannot edit this column. Proliance calculates it as follows:
This Invoice Retainage Total Amt = This Invoice Retainage General Amt + This Invoice Retainage Stored Amt
The total percentage of retainage against the line item. You cannot edit this column. Proliance calculates it as follows:
This Invoice Retainage Total Pct = This Invoice Retainage Total Amt / This Invoice Total Amt
The amount of stored material for the line item. When you create a new invoice, the default value of this column is zero (0) if the Roll Stored Materials setting is not selected on the contract's Settings page. If the Roll Stored Materials setting is selected, Proliance sets This Invoice Stored Amt to the negative value of To Date Progress Stored Amt, and then sets To Date Progress Stored Amt to zero.
You can also type your own value in this column.
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The percentage of stored material for the line item. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice Stored Amt = This Invoice Stored Pct * Scheduled Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
This Invoice Stored Pct = This Invoice Stored Amt / Scheduled Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The quantity of stored material for the line item. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice Stored Amt = ((This Invoice Stored Qty + Previous Stored Qty) / Scheduled Qty * Scheduled Amount) - Previous Stored Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
This Invoice Stored Qty = Scheduled Qty * (This Invoice Stored Amt / Scheduled Amount)
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The total currency amount of the line item. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = This Invoice Total Amt - This Invoice Stored Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
This Invoice Total Amt = This Invoice General Amt + This Invoice Stored Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The currency amount that this invoice requires the awarding company to pay against the line item, including all taxes and any applicable retainage calculations. Proliance calculates this amount as:
This Invoice Total Payable Amt = This Invoice Net Payable Amt + the sum of This Invoice [Non-Committing Taxes] Columns
The total percentage of progress against the line item. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = This Invoice Total Pct * Scheduled Amt - This Invoice Stored Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
This Invoice Total Pct = This Invoice Total Amt / Scheduled Amt
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.
The total quantity of progress for the line item. If you edit this column, Proliance performs the following calculation:
This Invoice General Amt = This Invoice Total Qty / Scheduled Qty * Scheduled Amount - This Invoice Stored Amt
If you do not edit this column, Proliance calculates it as follows:
Scheduled Qty * (This Invoice Total Amt / Scheduled Amount)
Proliance then recalculates any other columns affected by the update.