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Cost and Fixed Cost Resource Assignments
For each task, the assignment as "Cost Only" or as "Fixed Cost".
Select these options depending on your tracking needs. Note that these
options can only be set at the assignment level.
Cost Only
Use the "Cost Only" option to report on cost without tracking
work performed on assignments. Once this option is selected, the work
hours for an assignment are set to zero and only cost values are calculated
for the resource. Cost Only values can only be spread linearly over the
duration of the task. Adjustments to the remaining duration of a task
or assignment forces a recalculation of the Cost Only value for a task.
As an example, the Cost Only option can be used when material resources
are assigned to tasks.
Fixed Cost
Use the "Fixed Cost" option to disable the recalculation of
the Cost Only values when the duration of the assignment or the task is
updated. This option is useful for tracking income or a lump sum value.
Regardless of the duration of the task, the Cost Only values remain fixed,
unless you modifies the value. This option also disables automatically
recalculating the percent complete and remaining duration.
Once you select this option, ensure that both the actual
and remaining values at the assignment level for each task are set to
Fixed Cost. If you do not modify the remaining value after entering an
actual total cost, the total cost for the assignment is displayed as a
positive actual remaining value.
The following describes the options with different combinations
of Cost Only and Fixed Cost resource Assignments:
- Cost Only
- Off and Fixed Cost - Off: Expense values can only be updated by modifying the task or assignment
schedule. It is not possible to modify expense values independently of
the schedule. Cost can only be updated by entering the percentage complete
for the task or modifying Actual Start, Start Rem. Work and the Predicted
Finish date or dragging the percentage complete with the mouse in the
- Cost Only
- On and Fixed Cost - Off: The resource assigned to a task with the Cost Only option
selected would allow the user to assign non-human resources to tasks (equipment,
material etc.) and track these values without a corresponding work value
being calculated. For example a user may have tasks where a crane is being
used, in this situation the user wants to see the expense value increase
or decrease as assignment durations are modified. However, there is no
requirement to see the assignment as work/hours. Checking Cost Only will
set the work to Zero, but allow the user to enter an expense for the assignment
that would decrease or increase as the duration of the task was modified.
The cost is spread linearly over the duration of the task and updating
progress or actual values will result in an automatic recalculation of
the remaining cost. Manual updating of the actual and remaining expense
values can only be carried out in the table view of the Gantt and the
Update Form (Internal and Billable Cost tabs). Note the Percentage Complete
fields in these tabs are linked to task progress, so if the remaining
expense values is modified, then increasing the percent complete on the
task will result in actual and remaining being calculated based on the
remaining values at the time progress was entered. This can be useful
if the remaining value needs to be increased even though the time remaining
to complete the work is unchanged. Increasing the duration of the task
by modifying the schedule will result in a corresponding increase in the
remaining expense value.
- Cost Only
- Off and Fixed Cost - On: In situations where the resource can work an unlimited amount of time
on a task, but the cost/income of the resource is limited to a fixed amount,
then it is necessary to check only the Fixed Cost option. As the duration
of a task is increased the resource will have to complete more work than
was originally estimated. This would allow the manager to correctly view
resource assignments while not incurring a corresponding increase in the
income or cost they would expect to receive/pay for this resource. Fixed
Cost (Checked) and Cost Only (Unchecked) would be useful where resources
working on tasks have a fixed payment that doesn't increase if more than
the estimated hours are worked, but there is still a requirement to maintain
a correct overview of resource availability and planned/actual hours.
It is important to understand that when the Fixed Cost option is checked
automatic recalculation of actual and remaining expenses for the assignment
is disabled. Progress on the task can be updated at both the task and
assignment level by entering % complete in the update form or dragging
% complete with the mouse, however this will not cause a recalculation
of the actual and remaining expenses for the assignment. The process of
entering actual cost for assignments set with Fixed Cost (Checked) is
manual and both the actual and remaining values need to be entered by
the user. If an actual value is entered the remaining values does not
automatically recalculate and the user is required to modify remaining
to show the correct value. One reason for the disabling of auto calculation
is that physical progress on the task can be updated, however the cost
value doesn't become an actual until the task is 100% complete. Once the
task is 100% complete the user can open the resource assignment and update
the Actual Cost and set Remaining Cost to zero.
set the Cost Only and Fixed Cost options
- Open
the Gantt.
- Select
the planning object with a resource assignment.
- Right-click
and select Properties.
- Select the Expenses tab and select the "Cost
Only" and
"Fixed Cost" options appropriately.
Note: The Cost
and Fixed Cost options are only
available on tasks that have resources assigned to them.
- Click