About the Gantt Toolbar and Icons

The Gantt displays buttons and drop-down lists on the toolbar to help you. It also displays icons in the Gantt table and chart. The toolbar buttons, icons, and their uses are listed below.

ClosedToolbar buttons

In the Gantt, you can...

Using this button...

To enable you to...

Click Go to display planning objects

Go button.

Prefilter the planning objects before they are displayed in the Gantt.

Available when "Use Prefiltering" is selected in the Gantt Preferences.

Select a View

View drop-down list.

Select the columns to display in the Gantt.

Filter the View

Filter drop-down list.

Filter the information displayed in the columns.

Further Filter the View

Further Filter drop-down list.


Further Filter drop-down list.

Further filter the information displayed in the columns. These filters appear once you click Show Advanced Filters.

These filters are available in the Collaborative Gantt.

Manage Views

Manage Views button.

Enables you to customize the views available in the Gantt.

For more information on how to create views in this dialog box, see "About Register Views".

View the Help

View the help button.

Displays the help for the Gantt.

Show Advanced Filters

Advanced Filters button.

Display Filters 2 and 3, as mentioned above.

Edit Gantt Preferences

Edit Gantt Preferences button.

Display the Edit Gantt Preferences dialog box.

Show Gantt Chart View

Show Gantt Chart View button.

Display the Gantt chart and table.

Show Spreadsheet View

Show Spreadsheet View button.

Display the Gantt table and a Usage table for each planning object as per period values. This set of values is adjustable in the Usage Configuration.

Show Combined View

Show Combined View button.

Display the Gantt chart, table and usage curves.


Save button.

Save changes in the CPM Gantt.


Refresh button.

Refresh the Gantt.


Print button.

Print the Gantt.


Export button.

Export the Gantt to an external format.

Row Specific Commands

Row Specific Commands button.

Display commands for the currently selected planning object. Also enables you to perform actions such as Insert Task, Create Task, Create Summary.


Undo button.

Clear the last change you made.


Reapply the change you cleared.

Sort Order

Apply a sort order to the planning objects.

Descending Sort Order

Descending Sort Order button.

Sort the planning objects in alphabetically descending order.

Show/Hide Summaries

Show/Hide Summaries button.

Show or hide the summaries. Other planning objects are still displayed.

Show/Hide Milestones

Show/Hide Milestones button.

Show or hide the milestones. Other planning objects are still displayed.

Show/Hide Tasks

Show/Hide Tasks button.

Show or hide the tasks. Other planning objects are still displayed.

Show/Hide Assignments

Show/Hide Assignments button.

Show or hide the task assignments in the Gantt chart.

Show/Hide Deleted

Show/Hide Deleted button.

Show or hide the deleted tasks.

Show/Hide Approved Schedule Bars

Show/Hide Approved Schedule Bars button.

Show or hide the approved schedule bars in the Gantt chart.

Available in Gantt and Combined Views

Show/Hide Baseline Schedule Bars

Show/Hide Baseline Schedule Bars button.

Show or hide the baseline schedule bars in the Gantt chart.

Available in Gantt and Combined Views

Show/Hide Current Schedule Bars

Show/Hide Current Schedule Bars button.

Show or hide the current schedule bars in the Gantt chart.

Available in Gantt and Combined Views

Show/Hide Links

Show/Hide Links button.

Show or hide the links between planning objects in the Gantt chart.

Available in Gantt and Combined Views.

Rollup to Summary

Rollup to Summary button.

Display the child planning object summaries in the parent summary.

Available in Gantt and Combined Views.

Change Timescale

Change Timescale button.

Display the desired time line in the Usage chart. Choose D for days, W for weeks, M for months, Q for quarters, or Y for years.

Available in Spreadsheet and Combined Views.

Zoom In

Zoom In button.

Zoom in on the displayed area of the Gantt chart.

Available in Gantt and Combined Views.

Zoom Out

Zoom Out button.

Zoom out from the displayed area of the Gantt chart.

Available in Gantt and Combined Views.

Zoom Selected Task

Zoom Selected Task button.

Adjust the timescale to the best fit for the selected planning object in Gantt chart.

Available in Gantt and Combined Views.

Go to Selected Task

Go to Selected Task button.

Scroll timescale to display the currently selected planning object. This button is helpful if you've selected a task, then scrolled the Gantt up or down.

Reschedule to Status Date

Reschedule to Status Date button.

Reschedule all tasks and their assignments. When you click this button, the calendar appears. Choose the new resume date for tasks.

Split Assignment

Split Assignment button.

Split the time that the task assignment is schedule for. This enables you to indicate that a task should start at a certain date, that work may stop on it for a period of time, and that work shall resume at a later date.

CPM Calculation

CPM Calculation button.

Turns the CPM calculation on or off.

Available in CPM Gantt only.

Chain Tasks

Chain Tasks button.

Creates Finish-to-Start links between the selected tasks, in the order that they appear.

Unchain Tasks

Unchain Tasks button.

Deletes the links between selected tasks.

Show Levels Menu

Show Levels Menu button.

Lets you quickly expand or collapse the planning object levels to the desired level. The "?" enables you to choose a level from 0 to 9. The "*" expands all levels.


In the Gantt, this icon...

Is used to indicate...

Planning object to be approved icon.

A planning object is waiting to be approved.

Planning object to be re-approved icon.

A planning object was modified after it was approved and needs to be re-approved.

Information can be edited icon. Click triangle to edit.

Information in a cell can be edited. Click this triangle to make the cell editable.

Planning object work is complete icon.

The planning object work is complete.

Planning object work is scheduled for the future icon.

The planning object work is scheduled for the future.

Planning object work is in progress icon.

The planning object work is in progress.

Planning object work in progress icon; work initially delayed.

The planning object work is in progress, but the work was initially delayed.

Planning object work has not started icon; start date has passed.

The planning object work had not started and has passed the start date.  

 Planning object contains references to Proliance documents icon.

The planning object contains references to Proliance documents.

Summary icon.

A summary. The dark blue in the icon indicates that work has started in the summary.

Summary Roll Up icon.

A summary with the milestones and tasks rolled up.

Milestone icon.

A milestone. The milestone may also be approved or baselined. In this case, a second orange or blue diamond appears behind this diamond.

Current Baseline Approve icon.

A task has a current, baselined, or approved schedule. The current schedule is displayed in green, the approved in blue, and the baselined in orange.

Planning Object Link icon.

A planning object is linked to another planning object

Planning Object Split icon.

The lines between one part of the task and the next part indicate that the assignment has been split.

Planning Object Complete icon.

A planning object can be marked as in progress or complete. Once you see this icon, click and drag to show progress on the object, or to show the object as complete.

Planning Object Duration Extension icon.

A planning object's duration can be increased or decreased. Once you see this icon, click and drag to change the duration.