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If you have been selected as a reviewer in a review process, Proliance will deliver a notice to the Received register of your My Notices menu when it's your turn to review. Opening the notice displays the drawing, submittal, or transmittal document to be reviewed. At the right of the document is a "sticky note" that provides the following information:
To provide feedback on a document
The drawing, submittal, or transmittal document to be reviewed appears.
This page lists all the steps in the review process for the document.
The page enters the edit mode.
This list is sorted by the step to which each reviewer is assigned. A reviewer can only be assigned to one step in a document's review process.
For more information on each recommendation, see "About the Review Steps Page".
Proliance sends a notice about document to the next reviewer on the list.
The date when you finish your review is your Actual Finish Date and it also becomes the Actual Start Date for the next user in the review process.