Calculating Start and Finish Dates

The Original Planned Start Date and Original Planned Finish Date for each step in a review process are very important—they provide a schedule to help you manage the routing of the document being reviewed.

The original dates are entered when you create the review process; they may be affected when you modify or delete review steps within the review process. When this happens, you can either manually enter or adjust the dates or you can have Proliance calculate them for you.

Proliance offers the following date calculation features:

ClosedCalculate Backward

To use this option, you first enter the Original Planned Finish Date for the last review step and then fill in the Original Planned Review Days for all the other steps. Next, click Calculate Backwards and Proliance will automatically fill in all the original planned start and finish dates for all the steps.

After calculation, examine the results carefully. You may repeat the backward calculation if the resulting dates are not satisfactory.

Note: When performing backward calculation, Proliance uses only the Original Planned Finish Date for the last step in the review process; it will disregard and overwrite all the other original planned dates.

ClosedCalculate Forward

To use this option, you first enter the Original Planned Start Date for the first review step and then fill in the Original Planned Review Days for all the other steps. Next, click Calculate Forward and Proliance will automatically fill in all the original planned start and finish dates for all the steps.

After calculation, examine the results carefully. You may repeat the forward calculation if the resulting dates are not satisfactory.

Note: When performing forward calculation, Proliance uses only the Original Planned Start Date for the first step in the review process; it will disregard and overwrite all the other original planned dates.


  • Proliance uses whole calendar days for the date calculations. For example, if someone started and finished a review on the same day, Proliance sets the actual review days to 0 (zero).