Setting the Default Layout Style

You can set a default custom print layout for each document type or for each of the following registers: Notices, Security Categories, Security Roles, Company Roles, and Workspace Summaries.

When you print a custom report, Proliance uses the layout file associated with the default to generate the report, unless you choose another custom print layout.

You can set the default layout style from two places:

ClosedTo set the default from the custom print layout document

  1. Open the Custom Print Layouts register.
  2. Select any custom print layout currently linked to the document type or register that you are changing the default for.
  3. The Main page of the custom print layout document appears.

  4. Click Options > Set Default Layout.
  5. The Layout Chooser dialog box appears.

    Note: The "Set Default Layout" option is not be available if you've selected a custom print layout that is not linked to an associated document type.

  6. Complete the dialog box.
  7. Proliance updates the default custom print layout for the item.

ClosedTo set the default while printing a custom report

  1. Begin the process to print a document or register report.
  2. On the Reports dialog, click the Custom tab.
  3. Select the layout to be the new default, then click Set As Default.
  4. Proliance updates for default for the Single Document Style or Multiple Document Style, based on the "Used for" setting of the selected layout.

    Note: Proliance displays only those layouts that are intended for the document or register you are printing, and which have an attached layout file.


  • Setting a default layout style is not mandatory, but it helps guide others to printing with the correct layout file. This ensures consistency of presentation in your reports.
  •  The default can be changed at any time. Selecting a new default layout automatically clears any previous default.