Workspace Summaries - Main

The Main page summarizes the workspace state during a specific period of time. To view detailed information on the workspace, select the Breakdown page. The workspace summaries document needs to be in edit mode before you can modify the fields.

Workspace summary information is grouped under the following headings, which appear with different names depending on whether the document is viewed in the Workspace or the Organization work area:

ClosedGeneral / Workspace Summary Details

ClosedDetails /More Details

This section summarizes the values in the workspace properties document. You cannot edit these values in the workspace summary.

Note: All amounts have been converted to the value of the currency used at the organization. Proliance does this by multiplying the workspace currency amounts by the Conversion rate to Org.

ClosedWorkspace Dates

This section lists the current start and finish dates of the workspace. You cannot edits the dates in the workspace summary.

When viewing Workspace summary information from the Organization Work Area, there is an additional heading:

ClosedAssigned Collections

For more information about the actions available on this page, refer to "Workspace Summary Workflow Actions".