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Meeting - Topics
The Meeting's Topics page contains the general topics
for the meeting items. Adding topics to meeting items allows you to sort
and filter by the topic name. Since each meeting type might have a specific
set of topics it discusses, each meeting has its own list of topics.
Note that a topic name can only be changed as long as no
meeting items are linked to it. To change the name, ensure that the topic
name is removed from the meeting item, then rename the topic name.
The following fields contain information for the meeting
topics. The Meeting document needs to be in edit mode before you can modify
the fields.
- Topic Name: Type the topic name. This field is required.
- Topic Description: Type a description for the topic.
- Topic Details: Use this field to enter details related to the meeting topic.
- In Use: Indicates that the topic name is used in the meeting items.
- Order: This field can be used to define a user defined topic 'Order'. By using
a numeric or alphabetic ordering sequence for the list of Meeting Topics
you are creating.
This order can be very useful if you want meeting topics to appear in a
specific order or be easy to sort, in an external report or if the data
was exported to a Custom Print Layout or Excel.
An example of such an Ordering sequence could be as follows: