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Meeting - Meeting Items
The Meeting's Meeting Items page contains the specific
items discussed at a meeting and the contact that is responsible for following
up on the item.
The Meeting Items page enables you to view only the old business
or only the new business, by a certain topic or all the items. When viewing
by topic, you are prompted to select a topic name. Use the Views button
on the grid to apply your view. These views are predefined views and are
not editable.
The following fields contain information about the meeting
items. The Meeting document needs to be in edit mode before you can modify
the fields.
- Discussed: Select the check box to indicate that the item has been discussed in
the meeting. Using this check box will update the Items Discussed count
above of the Meeting Items grid.
- Completed: Select this check box to indicate that the meeting item is complete.
Once this check box is selected, the meeting item will not be carried
forward to the next meeting.
- System Item
Number: Displays the number of the meeting item as assigned by the Proliance
- Item Number: Type your item number, if you want a format different than the Item
- Title: Type a title for the meeting item.
- Description: Type a description for the meeting item. Note that you can click on
the Item Number to open the Meeting Item Detail box.
- Topic: Select a topic for the meeting item. These topics are taken from the
Topics page.
- Status: Select a status for the meeting item. If the meeting item is complete,
select the Completed check box.
- Responsible
Contact: Select one or more contacts that are responsible for the meeting item
- Notice Sent:Indicates whether the notice for the meeting item was sent to the responsible
- Notice Sent
Date:Indicates the date the notice for the meeting item was sent to the responsible
contact. This date is filled in by the Proliance system if the Send
Meeting Item Notices option is selected on the Main
- Original
Due Date:Enter or select the original date that the meeting item action is due.
- Current Due
Date:Enter or select the current date that the meeting item action is due.
- Completed
On:Enter or select the date that the meeting item was completed.
- Notes:Type any notes for the meeting item. Note that you can click on the
Item Number to open the Meeting Item Detail box.
- Order:This field can be used to define a user defined topic 'Order'. By using
a numeric or alphabetic ordering sequence for the list of Meeting Items
you are creating.
This order can be very useful if you want meeting items to appear in a
specific order, or be easy to sort, in an external report or data exported
to a Custom Print Layout or Excel.
An example of such an Ordering sequence could be as follows: