Limiting Authority

In a new workspace, every user is initially authorized to perform any state change on any document in the workspace, regardless of its value. For each cost-related document, you can create limits to this authority that restrict certain document state changes to specific roles, who are further limited based on the document's value and the limit's conditions. Once you create a limit for a certain document/state combination, only the roles defined in your limits can then perform that state transition.

Each limit of authority you define involves several components:

When a user attempts to perform a workflow action on a document that has limits defined, Proliance first checks to see whether that user is included in the limit's roles. Depending on the result of this check, one of the following occurs:


  • Multiple limits can be created for the same document/state combination. This enables you to set different authorization and override limits for different roles.
  • All limit of authority calculations are performed using the workspace currency.