Apply to New Document Dialog Box

The Apply to New Document dialog box is used to create a new change control document (instruction or quote) from any other workspace document.

The documents that you can create depends on your security role and the current state of the workspace document. When you select a document from this list, Proliance lets you choose the template to be used to create the new document.

This dialog box appears when you select Apply to New Document from the Options button in a workspace document.

ClosedTo create a new document

  1. Select the type of document you wish to create from the To Create a New dropdown list.
  2. Optionally select a template on which to base the new document.  
  3. If no user-defined templates are available, then the default template is selected automatically.

  4. Click OK.
  5. Proliance closes the dialog box and creates the new document. Some information may already be filled in, depending on the template used. For information on the fields in the document, refer to the appropriate help topic.