How Offsets Affect Budget and Cost Allocations

Proliance can automatically create offsetting cost allocations for each budget allocation. These cost allocations are identical to the budget allocation, except that they link to cost ACR columns rather than budget ACR columns.

Whenever you make a change to the budget allocation, Proliance mirrors the change to the offsetting cost allocation. This continues until you manually change the cost allocation, after which point Proliance will no longer synchronize the edited fields with the budget allocation. Note that manual changes to cost allocations are not carried back to the budget allocation at any time.

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At some point in the workspace (usually at the beginning), the budget and the cost are the same. The workspace manager calculates the scope of work, which eventually becomes the workspace budget. This can be stated as: Forecasted Cost = Workspace Budget.

Proliance addresses this business need by creating a cost allocation synchronized with every new budget allocation, provided that this feature has been enabled.

Over time, the cost forecast changes and the workspace manager no longer wishes for all the cost and budget allocations to be synchronized. Proliance uses the following logic to determine whether synchronization should be maintained or broken:


You create a budget allocation with the description "Silver Doorknobs" for $100. Proliance automatically creates a cost allocation with the same description and amount. If you change the description to "Gold Doorknobs" or the amount to $200 for the budget allocation, Proliance applies these changes to the cost allocation. However, if you change the name of the cost allocation to "Red Doorknobs", this change does not carry back to the budget line.

From this point forward, any edits to the budget description will not affect the cost description. However, changes to the budget amount will continue to update the cost amount.