About Invoicing Information

Proliance uses a combination of the line items found on contracts, change orders, auto-commit invoices, and the progress on the invoices to determine the Pending and Certified invoice amounts for budget/cost management purposes.

In a pre-commit invoice, line items originate from the Schedule of Values of the parent contract or change order, where the line items are allocated to one or more cost accounts. In an auto-commit invoice, line items are allocated to cost accounts from the invoice itself. As you update the progress on the invoice line items, Proliance prorates the invoice amount against the same cost account allocation breakdown. Prorating combined with the current state of the invoice determines the amount of pending and certified invoicing on the workspace against each cost account. Expense invoice information goes to the Invoiced columns of the allocations.

With each new invoice, Proliance adds the latest invoicing information to the current totals in the Invoicing or Billing columns.

The invoicing information columns are not visible when you view allocations on the Line Items or Schedule of Values pages of a document. However, you can view a summary of the allocation's invoicing information on the Invoicing tab of the Line Item Detail Viewer. You can also see the invoicing information on the Anticipated Cost Report and on the Financial Summary page of a cost account.

Using the same process, Proliance also records retainage information from the invoice to a separate Invoicing or Billing retainage column.

Invoice State

When the state of the invoice changes from Pending to Approved or Released for Payment, Proliance updates the ACR column of the invoice line items. This update is transacted.

Invoice state Invoiced/Billing column





Released for Payment


To view the invoicing information for a line item

ClosedShow image

Line Item Detail Viewer - Invoicing tab screen.


  • Proliance copies the invoicing and retainage information to the allocations in the same proportion as the original allocation.
  • Currency precision does not apply to amounts in the Invoice or Billing columns of a cost account allocation.