Finalizing Cost Event Line Items

You finalize cost event line items when you are certain that the expense or revenue amounts are final and will not change. When you finalize, Proliance places these amounts in an area that is not readily editable, but which can still be accessed if required. The finalization is not permanent.

You can finalize the revenue or expense for any number of line items. Finalizing a cost event line item does the following:

When you hand off a line item to a committing document, finalization occurs automatically. When you manually finalize a line item, you can still hand off that line item at a later date.

ClosedTo finalize cost event line items

  1. Open the Cost Events register.
  2. Select the cost event containing the line items to finalize.
  3. Click the Line Items page.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click Expense Tools or Revenue Tools > Finalize Items.
  6. Proliance prompts you to save the document before continue.

  7. Click OK to save.
  8. The Finalize Items wizard appears.

  9. Complete the wizard.
  10. You can a line item has been finalized when there is a value in the Final Expense or Final Revenue columns.

  11. Click Save.
  12. Proliance saves the finalization.


  • You can finalize only open line items.
  • The finalization is recorded to the database only when you save the cost event. If you do not save, Proliance cancels the finalization and discards all changes.
  • You can reverse a finalization if necessary. For more information, see "Reversing Handoff/Finalization of Cost Events".