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You can use the Bid Package document as a portal for tracking the ongoing status of bidders and their work towards submitting a proposal. There are three primary places on the Bid Package document where you can view the state and details of the documents created and updated during the bidding process:
The Summary section of the Main page
The Summary section displays the number of bidders who have received an invitation, and how many have accepted. It also displays a link that you can use to navigate to the last package addendum document created. For more details on the Summary section, see "Bid Package - Main".
The Bidders List page
On the Bidders List page, you can view the status of invitation and proposal documents for each bidder. When they are viewable, you can also navigate to each of these documents using the hyperlinks provided. For more information, see "Bid Package - Bidders List".
The References tab
The References tab contains three sub tabs:
For more information about the References tab, see "Bid Package - References Tab".