Bid Package - Price Breakdown

Use the Price Breakdown page to list the specific cost elements for the goods and services bidders will include in their proposals. Most Price Breakdown information appears as part of two other Proliance documents used by bidders: invitations and proposals. Any changes made to line items in the Price Breakdown grid in the package are immediately reflected in the Price Breakdown grids in related invitations and proposals.


  • Once you update the Price Breakdown grid and save the document, you can create a package addendum to notify bidders of the changes you just made.

Some information in the package's Price Breakdown grid is for internal use only, and only appears in the package:

On the Price Breakdown page, use the following fields to describe the line items included in the Price Breakdown grid:

The following columns appear for each line item. At the bottom left of the Price Breakdown grid, the Total Estimated Amount area displays the sum of all values in the Estimated Amount column.