Activities and Projects

By default, when a planning object such as a task is assigned to one or more projects, either by linking directly to a project or by inheriting the projects of the parent schedule, any related Activity documents also inherits the same projects. These projects appear on the Activity document's Projects tab.

This has the effect of limiting access to Activity documents through the same assigned Team Role security permissions as is assigned to the related task or schedule.

However, you may want to allow other Proliance users to check on the progress of particular tasks, without allowing them to see any parts of the schedule. You can accomplish this by providing selective access to an Activity document while maintaining restricted access to the associated task.

To do this, you can configure the Activity document to function more independently of its related task. When configured in this way, you can add or remove project links independently of the projects linked to the related task, thus allowing particular team members to access the Activity document, but not the related task.

For example, Activity documents can be configured to:

To configure syncing behaviour, select an option in the Syncing Behaviour section on an Activity document's Settings page, or create document subtype templates with the sync options configured.

'Do not sync' behaviour

When an Activity document is set to 'Do not sync', linking it to a task has no effect on the Activity document's Projects tab. No projects are inherited from the task. The Projects tab is editable and you can add and remove projects as required.

You can use this setting to:

In this mode, any changes to a task's projects do not affect the related Activity document's projects.

'Sync on create' behaviour

When an Activity document is set to 'Sync on create', it inherits the same projects linked to the associated task, but only when the Activity document is first linked to a task. After this point, the Projects tab for the Activity becomes fully editable.

You can use this setting to:

'Sync on update' behaviour

When an Activity document is set to 'Sync on update', it inherits the same projects linked to the associated task every time it is updated. This has the effect of overwriting the Activity document's projects with those from the linked schedule task.

You can use this setting to: