Creating a Tax

Taxes are based on a real tax that was created in your organization. Each property tax consists of an identifying tax code. Currently, you can create up to five committing and five non-committing taxes. Note that each real tax can only be used to create one tax per workspace.

Your security role must have permission to create taxes (Tax List). For more information, see "About Security Permissions".

To create a tax

  1. Open the Tax List.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. From the Real Tax Code drop-down list, select the real tax to be used to create a tax.
  4. Proliance fills in the real tax information for the new tax.

  5. Select the Is Active check box next to this workspace tax. Active taxes appear in lists of taxes and are used in calculations or summary presentations.
  6. If necessary, modify the details of the tax. Refer to the following for more information on the fields for each page:
  7. Click Save.