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The Main page of a Currency document contains detailed information about the currency, including its currency codes and currency precision.
The following information is shown. The Currency document needs to be in edit mode before you can modify the fields. The fields marked "(workspace only)" are available only from the Workspaces work area.
For example, if the organization uses USD (US Dollars), while the workspace's baseline currency is in CAD (Canadian Dollars), you might enter '0.7496' if that is the prevailing conversion rate.
If the workspace is part of a portfolio, enter the conversion rate for Proliance to use to convert all values in the workspace's baseline currency to the portfolio's currency. If the workspace is not part of a portfolio or if the two currencies are the same, leave the default setting at '1'.
Select the ISO currency code for the currency. This is the ISO alphabetic code for a real currency. ISO Currency Codes are associated with any number of custom currency codes. Proliance is shipped with several ISO currency codes. You can add more by editing the lookup. The ISO Currency Code is required.
Note: If you change the ISO Currency Code, be sure to update the Conversion Rate to Org and Conversion Rate to Prg as well. This is because any new code will most likely affect how the baseline currency is converted to the organization, portfolio currencies.