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Using Proliance Auto Complete for List Item entry
Many fields in Proliance provide a picklist icon
to allow you to select an item from a pre-set list. You can also enter information
directly into these fields using the Proliance auto complete feature.
As a result you can bypass the use of dialog boxes to select items by
directly entering text into editable fields.
This feature is available on Proliance fields containing
a list of items. Proliance will check data after you exit the field and
highlight invalid entries so you can quickly see errors and correct them
prior to saving the document.
Directly entering text with auto complete is most useful
when you already know or partially remember the list item for the field
you want to enter. Auto complete includes the following features:
- Direct
text entry: Type text directly into the field. This feature applies
to picklists, lookups and lists that include document references.
- Auto search
and complete: As you type, auto search
narrows the search of possible options and completes the text for the
list option by matching items from the list candidates. When Proliance
completes text in the field,
the completed text appears in highlight and other potential list items
are shown in a pull down list.
- Keyboard
access: Once the cursor is in the field, you can use the down and
up arrow keys to display the list options and navigate through the list.
The arrow keys allow you to enter text into fields without using the mouse
to go to the list dialog box.
- Mouse access:
You can double click on a field containing
a list of items to display all available items, and then select the one
you wish to enter.
- List dialog
box option: Click the List
icon or the 'more...'
option at the bottom of the drop down list to provide a dialog box of
list items. This provides an alternative to typing the text directly into
the field with additional features for finding and viewing list options.
The 'more...' option is only displayed when there are
more list items available than can be displayed in the drop-down.
See Selecting Items in a Picklist for more detail on selecting items.
- Validation:
If you enter an invalid list item, Proliance will detect the invalid
entry and display the field with a light red background when you advance
to the next field or attempt to save the page. You will be unable to save
the document until you correct the invalid entry.
- Viewing
referenced documents: If you enter a list item that references
another Proliance document, then this item will be highlighted in blue
and underlined to indicate that it can hyperlink to the referenced document.
By using a mouse click and holding down the CTRL key simultaneously, Proliance
will open the referenced document in another window.